foster care group wales

About Us
Foster Care Group Wales (FCGW) are an Independent Fostering Agency based in South Wales. We have been supporting foster families and young people within the area for over 2 decades and are committed to offering high levels of support to our foster parents to enable them to offer quality, nurturing homes to the children and young people they care for.
We are currently placed on Tier 1 of the All Wales Foster Framework 2021. We maintain a positive excellent working relationship with Local Authorities across the South Wales region; covering areas from Newport and Cardiff, to NPT and Swansea. FCGW’s designated Placements Officer works closely with Local Authorities to identify suitable appropriate placement matches with all our Foster Parents.
With an average of around 35 foster families, we are classed as a small agency and this enables us to offer personal, individualised care and support to each family we work with. Each family has an allocated Supervising Social Worker with a wealth of experience in fostering and childcare, and we offer fortnightly visits as standard, with regular calls, texts and emails in between. These are increased as needed and can be customised to suit the specific needs of each individual family. ‘Supervisions’ or support visits will change and develop over time, as foster parents gain experience, build relationships with their social worker, and as the needs of the children they care for evolve. As a small agency, we are able to maintain good communication with all of our families and our foster parents will get to know all members of staff, rather than just their allocated social worker. We find that being able to reach a familiar and friendly voice at the end of the phone at all times really helps our foster parents to feel supported and valued.
Our primary goal is to provide nurturing homes to children and young people, where they are accepted and supported to thrive and become the very best people they can be. One of the keys to achieving this is knowing the skills, strengths and personalities of our foster families so that we can ensure that we match them with the children and young people who they can best support. Developing the individual skills and resilience of each foster parent is imperative to this success and we offer a comprehensive, personalised training programme to ensure that this can be achieved. Each foster parent has an Individual Development Plan which looks at a wide range of learning areas and sets personalised goals, including a variety of ways these can be achieved.